the dicky birds

from all the characters of 10 Minutes Later!

Today Tomorrow ad   

Adolf Hitler
Right. So no-one donated to my crowdfunding. It's cool. Times are tough. I get it. But I'd still love to see y'all at my EXHIBITION! It'll be bitchin'! FREE entry, wine & nibbles. RSVP the FB event. See ya there!!

                         like - comment - share - 101 years ago via Mobile

friar benedict groeschel, todd akin, paedophile priests, legitimate rape, sex abuse, catholic church, pedophile

Adolf Hitler
Yo dudes! I've started a crowdsourcing page for my new paintings. Hope to get enough for an exhibition. Plz support my art!! I'll love you forevrrrr!!!!!!!!
Support Hitler's new painting series!
Choose your support package. Donations start as low as 5 Deutsche mark. For 200 Deutsche mark you can touch Adolf's moustache!

- comment - share - 102 years ago via Mobile
 neil armstrong dies age 82, lance armstrong still alive and kicking


Blue suitcase says...

I'd be lost without the compassionate guidance of my grandmother:

"If you ever find yourself penniless, turn to Faith -
she'll give you a great
job smuggling cocaine
in from Venezuela."

Nanna prefers to think of the condom as half-full.

Public service announcement on Africa by Little Miss

Adolf Hitler
Hey everyone, check out my new drawing! It's for my folio to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.
If you like it, 'like' it. Thanks guys!!!!!


                      like - comment - share - 105 years ago via Mobile

bad invention #87

Willpower for Weightloss!   
 elasticated breast implants.
  the dicky birds

Anna X Tortionist
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy,
but here's our demands, we have your baby.

- comment - share - 59 minutes ago

Tom Jones
Sex doll, sex doll, you're my sex doll, I can fast-inflate you when I need to fill your hole... 
- comment - share - 13 years ago

Nanna would tell my brothers:

The only thing to fear in life,
is fear itself. Unless you were were born with an ugly penis.
In which case you had better become very, very rich.

They're all extremely successful suicidists now.

Ingrid Elkner 
I can't wait to meet a sweet, thoughtful,
loving guy so I can utter those 5 little words:
"I'm not wearing a bra".

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12 minutes ago


happy mother's day!

'like' 10 MINUTES LATER... on Facebook
and get a heads-up every time a new post is out! 

Ingrid Elkner 
I love going out clubbing but I don't think the seals enjoy it. 
- comment - share -
16 minutes ago


- ‘The Dictator’ tells Julia Gillard to get a sex change - Australians uncomfortable with prospect of actually listening to her instead of just talking about what she wore this week.
- Iconic painting ‘The Scream’ sells for US$119.9 million, reminding everyone that portraits of blow-up dolls on bridges are high art.
- Former High Court judge Michael Kirby says being gay is like being left-handed, but everyone knows it’s easier if you’re ambidextrous.
  oral fixation

Nanna always said:

"Don't look a gift-horse
in the mouth if you
could be checking how
well he's hung."

She was very fond of horseriding.

If you like it then you should have put your thing in it.
- comment - share -
2 years ago


- America responds to North Korean threat of "powerful mobile weapons", saying if they were real they’d have uploaded an Instagram by now.
- Obama gets yogurt spilled on his clothes by a fan, asks Monica Lewinski for her dry cleaner.
Coles sends Flybuys cards to the dead, recipients safer in grave than flying with Qantas.