neil armstrong dies age 82, lance armstrong still alive and kicking


Blue suitcase says...

I'd be lost without the compassionate guidance of my grandmother:

"If you ever find yourself penniless, turn to Faith -
she'll give you a great
job smuggling cocaine
in from Venezuela."

Nanna prefers to think of the condom as half-full.

Public service announcement on Africa by Little Miss

Adolf Hitler
Hey everyone, check out my new drawing! It's for my folio to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.
If you like it, 'like' it. Thanks guys!!!!!


                      like - comment - share - 105 years ago via Mobile

bad invention #87

Willpower for Weightloss!   
 elasticated breast implants.
  the dicky birds

Anna X Tortionist
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy,
but here's our demands, we have your baby.

- comment - share - 59 minutes ago